Our Insights

The philosophy of OC&C Strategy Consultants is to treat each problem as unique, providing truly customised solutions rather than generic packages for our clients.

This selection of OC&C's publications illustrates our ability to think creatively, generate new insights and provide a fresh perspective on established thinking.

In this section you can view and download our strategic "Insights"; short provocative pieces that we write as food for thought for our clients.

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Thursday, 12 April 2018

No such thing as a free delivery

Consumer expectations of delivery continue their relentless march: speed of fulfilment is now rated by 8% of US consumers as the most important factor in e-commerce decisions, up from 2% in 2017, according to Kibo

Thursday, 12 April 2018

What was Facebook thinking?

The confusion (not least among US senators) as to Facebook's strategy and business model continues. The continued accusation of "Facebook is selling your data!" is of course not helpful, because it doesn't

Monday, 9 April 2018

Digital spoils: are B2B and Services businesses falling behind?

We serve some of the world’s leading disrupters. They want to know what new worlds there are to conquer, where the weak points in today’s models are in terms of customer needs or cost to serve and how they can transform these

Monday, 9 April 2018

Omni-channel is dead

We've sent flowers and written a nice note. I think the eulogy was kind. But Omni-channel is dead, and retailers need to focus

Monday, 9 April 2018

Automatic for the people? Automation versus increasing labour costs in retail

A new release today from the Office for National Statistics showing a 4% increase in labour costs per hour and rising wage inflation in the UK

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Online car retailing: harder than it looks

Interesting to read about Shift's partnership with Cox/Mannheim to provide the physical infrastructure to underpin its online sales

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Can SKUs ever be brands?

One of the delights of my job is the occasional serendipitous meeting with a marvellous executive who makes you think afresh

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Talking shop: The rise of voice commerce

Will voice commerce be the next evolutionary step in digital commerce? And if so, what will it mean for retailers who have choices to make about how, where, and with whom to invest in voice?

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Build your analytics Agartha

Analytics is everywhere and we can learn from looking with the widest aperture, perhaps in the unlikeliest places, and bring examples home from around the world

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Same day delivery: wrong for Uber, right for the brave

Uber has shut down its same day parcel delivery business, and in fact it never made it beyond three US test cities

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